Snowboard Size Calculator

Picking the right snowboard for you can seriously affect how much fun you have on your board. The size and shape of board changes what kind of riding you can do on it and at what level of expertise. This guide will help you measure up the perfect snowboard for you!

What size snowboard should I get?

Our snowboard size calculator for men’s and women’s boards narrows down the search and makes picking a board easy (US measures for height and weight).


All you need are the following details:

  • Your height
  • Your weight
  • Your level of riding
  • Your kind of riding

How does this calculator work?

The starting point for working out what size board you need it your height and weight. Starting with your height this calculator works out whether you are heavier or lighter than average for your height. If you are heavier it will add a cm or two and if your are lighter is will remove a cm or two.

A good rule of thumb is that a board should come up to somewhere between your chin and your nose, but this calculator takes it further…

Next is your ability. If you are a beginner it will recommend a shorter length. If you are intermediate or above it will ask what kind of riding you are into. If you are mainly a freestyle rider it will recommend a shorter board that is easier to throw around. If you are into free riding and power it will recommend a longer board that floats up more in the snow.

Once it has finalised the length of board it will suggest boards that suit your ability and style of riding. For example, a beginner will want a soft all-mountain board. Whereas an advanced free rider will want a stiffer, directional board.

Picking the right size snowboard size depends on a number of factors, but a good starting point is your height and weight.

Riders who are taller/heavier should choose a longer snowboard, riders who are shorter/lighter should choose a shorter snowboard.

Wrapping up

This guide hopes to layout and explain the factors which can influence what board you choose. All this may seem daunting, and a whole lot of information to take on board. But if you choose a board in the right ballpark, then you will probably be fine. In my experience when I get on a new board 9 times out of 10 I love it! After all it’s new, with nice new graphics, clean base and edges, and loads of pop.

Its only really when you swap boards on the same day of riding that you really start to get a feel for how these differences affect the ride.

Whatever board you’re on make sure you have fun!

A good rule of thumb is that a snowboard should come up to your chin for a beginner snowboard. This is often how a rental store will size up your board. Then you can add a couple of cm if you are an advanced.

Weight is more important than height when sizing up a snowboard. The heavier you are the more edge length you need to control your speed. Plus if you are going to be riding deep snow you need more surface area to create the float. Use our snowboard size calculator to find the right size for you.

You might start to feel that your board is too short if you start loosing control at higher speeds. Shorter boards are less good at absorbing bumps, and it may be harder to hold your edge when you are turning the board.

Snowboards which are too big are less manoeuvrable. This can be fine for expert riders but for beginners, who are riding at slower speeds, this can make it harder to turn. Freestyle riders also ride shorter boards, which are easier to rotate.

2 cm may not seem like much but it can make a big difference in how your board rides. You should try and get a board closest to the recommended length. Then if you are between 2 sizes, go longer if you are a more aggressive, faster rider. Or go shorter if you are a beginner or like to ride slower.

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